Celebrate Life!
We are just so lucky to have one!
Here is my top ten list to be grateful about...
#10- We have the world!
Wonder how it feels to be outside of this planet...? hmmn...so lucky that i'm in here!
#9- We have fellows to share, to love and argue with...
>thanks for the company!
#8- We have pets to keep us smiling...
*single ladies*
#8- We have pets to keep us smiling...
There are several ways to find simple pleasure, but you can see it quick in the eyes of the most unnoticed creatures everywhere... like my dogs! They never fail to amaze on me how they survive each day with just a "simple trust" on my feeding power... and yet they always smile whenever i'm around! :-)
Barbie Beauty
#7- We have a shelter to keep us warm...
*my Mythology Class @ Gordon College*
Remember those people who can't find a home on great mansions? Well, let's be thankful that we have a simple haven to live in ('though not that great, it's filled with love and harmony)... not just a house to call our own.
#6- We have some food to feed our body and enough faith to feed our soul...
*special BarbyQ for the New Year!
We may not have the best of foods in our table everyday, let's thank the Lord for the satisfying faith that we have, enough to keep us content and enjoy what we always share. GRACIAS!
#5- We received gifts from generous people...
From birhdays to special occasions... or just plain, ordinary days ... it's our own way of thanking someone or making him/her special with no ordinary presents, whether big or small, precious or not. It symbolizes the bond between the giver and receiver, a memory that the two shall cherish forever.
>As they used to say: "It's not the thing but the thought that counts!" Thank you for that!
#4- We have pictures of the past, elements of today and promises of tomorrow...
It's nice to know that we are moving forward with lessons learned whether good or bad, helping us to get going and bring hope for the next day...
>Congrats... we survive the challenge!
#3- We have a fulfilling career and a career to fulfill...
God has called us to fulfill a task by the virtue of our profession. We have different careers to perform, different responsibilities to act on... it does not depend on who we are or what we have for the moment, but on what we can do to serve our very purpose...
>"Thank you God, you made me become a teacher!"
#2- We have a family!
>>>Should I say more?
The people who share...
your laughter & your sorrow
your victory & your defeat
your pain & your gain
your doubts & your security
your mood & your action
your dream & your nightmare
your soul and your nature
your birth & your last breath
or simply, the ones who stay beside you...
#1- We have life!
The pure reason why I enumerated all these things!
It's worth to realize that in evey single moment God gives us a beautiful chance to witness what I have proclaimed here. And it's all because of the life we share together. Let's thank Him for the benefit of this GIFT... Let's not waste it. No matter how hard or unlucky you feel right now, you're still privileged and blessed!
>>>Know why? Because you're still alive and able to read this! And hopefully, after this list, you're gonna celebrate life the way i did! Mmmmwah!!!
Merry Christmas &
Happy New Year to all!